Here is a simple example of a WhatsUp Gold public status page to show to end users. It will show the status of devices without giving them extra information they do not need.
<% @LANGUAGE="VBScript"%>
<% publicview = "Group To Show" Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") adoCon.Open "DSN=WhatsUp" Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSQL = "SELECT * FROM DeviceGroup where sGroupName = '" & publicview & "';" strSQL,adoCon groupid = rs("nDeviceGroupID") rs.close strSQL = "Select * from PivotDeviceToGroup where nDeviceGroupID = " & groupid strSQL,adoCon deviceswewant = "" do while not rs.eof if not deviceswewant = "" then deviceswewant = deviceswewant & " OR " end if deviceswewant = deviceswewant & "(nDeviceID=" & rs("nDeviceID") & ")" rs.movenext loop rs.close strSQL = "select * from Device where " & deviceswewant & ";" strSQL,adoCon %>
name | status | ||
" & name & " | " if not isnull(maintenancemode) then response.write "" & "Maintenace Mode :|" & " | " elseif status = "" then response.write "" & "Happy Camper :)" & " | " else response.write "" & "Experiencing Problems :(" & " | " end if response.write "
Hey Stephen,
This is a great idea. Is this something you think other user's would benefit from? Is this something you would like to see included within the product?
I am one of the product managers at Ipswitch's Network Management. Would you be interested in talking with us about your use of the product and how we can make it better for you?
[email protected]