AADC / Object Cannot Be Found

With Azure AD Connect I was getting the following errors for several objects. “The operation failed because the object cannot be found” and “

Please do a 2 full backups of your database at two locations. Run the SQL below to list how many errors

select cs.ma_id, ma.[ma_name] ,count(*) as [count],min([initial_import_error_date]) as [min initial import error date]
from dbo.mms_connectorspace cs
join [dbo].[mms_management_agent] ma
on ma.[ma_id] = cs.[ma_id]
join (

SELECT [mv_object_id]
,mv.[object_id] as [mv.object_id]
  FROM [FIMSynchronizationService].[dbo].[mms_csmv_link] csmv

full outer join [FIMSynchronizationService].[dbo].[mms_metaverse] mv

on mv.[object_id] = csmv.[mv_object_id]
where mv.[object_id] is null
on b.cs_object_id = cs.object_id
group by cs.ma_id, ma.[ma_name]
order by count(*) desc

The follow code will save the objects with errors to a temporary table and then delete them.

SELECT [mv_object_id]
,mv.[object_id] as [mv.object_id]
into #wehackedit
  FROM [FIMSynchronizationService].[dbo].[mms_csmv_link] csmv
full outer join [FIMSynchronizationService].[dbo].[mms_metaverse] mv
on mv.[object_id] = csmv.[mv_object_id]
where mv.[object_id] is null

delete from dbo.mms_connectorspace
where object_id in
select cs_object_id from #wehackedit

delete from dbo.mms_csmv_link
where mv_object_id in
select [mv_object_id] from #wehackedit

The credit goes to Joe for this fix